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Understanding the problem

While working in a problem with a colleague we came upon a problem in which it was necessary to transform one element into an array of something complex and different. Since this was a pattern that was going to repeat itself, we defined a protocol for that.

The problem itself required us to have a Parser which would transform some JSON into an array of core data elements. Lets name them Element and ComplexElement

Our setup

We have a Parser that transforms some Codable into an array of ComplexObject.

protocol Parser {
	func transform(data: Codable?) -> [ComplexObject]

What we want to achieve here is to transform JsonElement (which is Codable) into ComplexMessage (which is ComplexObject)

struct JsonElement: Codable {
	let messages:[String]

struct ComplexMessage: ComplexObject {
	let message: String

The naive approach

We could be tempted to adopt our parser by directly providing the types of the objects we are dealing with like this

struct ElementParser: Parser {
	func transform(data: JsonElement?) -> [ComplexMessage] {
		return []

This will fail. The Swift Compiler will throw you an error Type 'ElementParser' does not conform to protocol 'Parser'`.

The basic approach

Let’s then correct our mistake and implement the original protocol as originally intended

struct ElementParser: Parser {
	func transform(data: Codable?) -> [ComplexObject] {
		return []

This still does not feel right. We really would like to specify the types of our Codable and our ComplexObject

associatedtype to the rescue

To achieve this we can use Associated Types or associatedtype. An associated type is a placeholder with a keyword that can be defined with typealias when implementing the protocol.

Associated types can have constraints. In our example we just want them to be of type Codable and ComplexObject

protocol Parser {
	associatedtype Input: Codable
	associatedtype Output: ComplexObject

	func transform(data: Input?) -> [Output]

Once we are done with all this we just can implement our Parser protocol and fill the placeholders defined in the original protocol definition as associatedtype

struct ElementParser: Parser {
	typealias Input = JsonElement
	typealias Output = ComplexMessage

	func transform(data: JsonElement?) -> [ComplexMessage] {
		return []

And that’s it. There is not a lot of magic around associated types. They are just placeholders we can just fill with a typealias.

Published on August 29, 2020

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